There is only one truely organic mulch, True Mulch
6161 South Main St Clinton Oh
Monday-Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. / Sunday 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
22 Nov 2019

Prevent Winter Lawn Fungal Diseases

Now is the perfect time to hire a professional to help prevent winter lawn fungal diseases.

B-Sharp will get the job done right for you!

You can prevent winter lawn fungal disease! You will want to make sure that your lawn is cleaned up prior to the first real snow accumulation occurs. Many different types of lawn diseases happen in the winter because we are not doing proper fall cleanup. I know you might think it is too late, but it truly is not!


10 Oct 2019

Curbside Leaf Removal

B-Sharp’s mission is to save you time and money by eliminating the hassle of leaf removal and time-consuming trips to the dump!


leaf removal
(Leaf Vac)



Our leaf removal vacuuming service since 1990. We eliminate the hassle of bagging leaves and time-consuming trips to the dump. You do the raking and we do the hauling!






17 Sep 2019

Leaf Clean Up

The leaves are starting to turn colors and you may have noticed some on the ground already.

Fall is upon us and it is time to get to cleaning up our landscapes. There are many ways to keep the leaves cleaned up. Typically, people reach for their rakes. Raking leaves can be very time consuming and sometimes labor-intensive. You should try using a leaf blower.


05 Sep 2019

Prepare your Landscape for Winter

Now is the time to start preparing your landscape for the upcoming winter months.

landscape fallen leaves

You will want to make sure you’re removing all debris from your landscape and flowerbeds. Now is the time to prune all your shrubs and trees. Also, it is a good idea to make sure you have a nice layer of mulch put down. This will help protect your plant roots during quickly approaching winter season.

The fall season is a good time to have aeration done. Aeration will break up the soil and allow for water, oxygen and fertilizer access to your grassroots. Also, this is the time to seed your lawn. The process of aerating and overseeding with help to fill in the bare spots in your lawn and it will help to prevent disease. Additionally, this will help your landscape to be ready for the cold and beautiful in the spring.

Make sure to get all the leaves raked up, or have a company do that for you. B-Sharp offers a fall clean up and has a leaf vacuum to help make this task easier on you. Make sure not to leave any piles of leaves. If piles or a blanket of leaves are left it will prevent your lawn from receiving the sunlight it needs.