Now is the perfect time to hire a professional to help prevent winter lawn fungal diseases.

B-Sharp will get the job done right for you!

You can prevent winter lawn fungal disease! You will want to make sure that your lawn is cleaned up prior to the first real snow accumulation occurs. Many different types of lawn diseases happen in the winter because we are not doing proper fall cleanup. I know you might think it is too late, but it truly is not!

There are different types of winter caused lawn fungal diseases to watch out for

Snow mold will show up in the spring as the snow is begging to disappear from your lawn. There are two types of snow mold, gray snow mold, and pink snow mold.

Winter Lawn Fungal Diseases


First, gray snow mold is a fungal disease and will affect the leaf of your grass. Gray snow mold is caused when you have not cleaned up the leaves and then a layer of snowfalls and your ground is not yet frozen. You will notice circles of grey in your yard. It is the less damaging of the two snow molds since it only affects the leaf of your lawn.

Winter Lawn Fungal Diseases



Second, pink snow mold is also a fungal disease that will wipe out the roots and crown of your grass. It will show up as small pink patched areas. This fungal disease will damage or kill your lawn


If you do not want to risk getting one of these lawn fungal diseases, I suggest cleaning up your landscape in the fall. If you do not want to or can’t do it yourself hire a professional! B-Sharp Property Maintenance can do all the hard work for you and help to prevent your lawn from being infested with fungal diseases!