Types of Firewood
Here is a listing of the different types of firewood.
Hardest to softest Including Density, lbs/cu.ft.
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1. Ironwood 80 lbs/cu.ft.
Ironwood is another type of firewood that is known for producing high heat. It can save you a lot in fuel costs if you use wood heat to supplement other heat sources.
However, you might want to be sure that your winter will actually call for a high heat producing type of firewood. Otherwise, it could actually burn too hot and make your home uncomfortable. I’m speaking from experience.
2. Oak 52.32 lbs/cu.ft.
Oak trees are another very common tree in a lot of areas. Though this tree may be readily available to a lot of people, it still needs some care when being burned.
So you’ll need to make sure that it is really well seasoned before burning. Otherwise, it won’t burn as slow and steady as most prefer.
3. Shagbark Hickory 52.17 lbs/cu.ft.
This is another wood type known for producing high amounts of heat. Works great for people that live in northern climates who have to battle really cold winters.
If you need a lot of heat because of the temperatures in your area, then you might really want to consider burning this type.
4. Apple 46.51 lbs/cu.ft.
Do you like to cook outdoors or over an open fire in your fireplace, then you might be interested in this type of wood. Applewood burns slower which means it will require less wood to keep a fire going.
Also, it puts off a nice smell which is great when cooking a meal over an open fire. Some of that tasty fragrance will be soaked up by your food. That sounds delicious!
5. Maple 42.2 lbs/cu.ft.
Maple trees are a very familiar tree throughout most of the United States. It may be more difficult to locate in different areas of the world, though.
If you are in an area where maple is available, then you’ll be happy to know that it is a hardwood which means it is dense and durable. This equates to burning longer and often hotter.
6. Birch 44.58 lbs/cu.ft.
Birchwood is a softwood. This means that it will ignite faster and can be burned pretty easily as Greenwood.
However, you need to keep in mind that it can cause a blockage in your chimney, and it will also burn up quickly which means you’ll need to attend your fire more regularly and need more firewood to keep your home heated.
7. Black Locust 44.2 lbs/cu.ft.
This tree is one that isn’t available all over. From my research, it is mainly available in the Appalachian Mountains in the United States and toward Missouri as well.
However, if you are able to find it, Black Locust is great firewood because it is durable and dense which means it will burn longer.
8. American Beech 40.89 lbs/cu.ft.
A type of wood that would be categorized as putting off a high amount of heat. One cord of it equates to about 200 to 250 gallons of fuel, according to my research.
If you live in an area where it gets really cold, then you might need a type of wood that is known for producing high heat.
9. Ash 39.83 lbs/cu.ft.
Are you looking for a type of firewood that will help you keep a steady burning fire? Do you depend strictly upon wood heat? Then you would be interested in this type of wood.
Ashwood will definitely keep a steady rolling fire going in your fireplace or wood stove. However, it needs to be noted that this firewood works best if it is seasoned.
10. Walnut 35.09 lbs/cu.ft.
Walnut is one of those types of wood that are great all the way around. It’s a hardwood which means it is dense and durable. This equates to the wood burning longer without needing more added to the fire.
Walnut is also known for burning really well in a wood stove. Also, it is known for putting off very little smoke.
11. Tamarack 34.84 lbs/cu.ft.
This is another medium heat wood. I think of my parents who live in the middle of the United States. They get colder winters than I do, to where they use their fireplace regularly.
But they don’t live in constant snow and ice all winter long. This type of wood might be a good fit for their needs and your needs too if you live in similar circumstances over the winter.
12. American Elm 34.59 lbs/cu.ft.
Let’s say you live somewhere where the winters are cold, but they aren’t absolutely frigid. You might need to burn wood for heat.
But you don’t need as hot of heat as someone who is in Alaska. This would be a happy medium heat to keep warm but not roast.
13. Sycamore 33.65 lbs/cu.ft.
When I think of the sycamore tree, I think of the old song we sang in Sunday school about Zacchaeus. I didn’t really think about it as great firewood.
But Sycamore actually is, if it is seasoned well. This wood puts off a nice amount of warm heat that works well for warming your home over winter.
14. Cherry 33.34 lbs/cu.ft.
If you have cherry wood, then you are doing great. This type of wood does need to be seasoned really well for its optimal performance.
But once you get past the seasoning process, you’ll be happy to know that it not only burns slow, but it also puts off a great aroma.
15. Cottonwood 27.03 lbs/cu.ft.
Cottonwood is a type of firewood that is known for producing a low heat. If you live where there are mild winters, then this could be a good fit for you.
Also, in case you are interested in how it compares with fuels, one cord of this wood equates to 100-150 gallons of fuel.
16. Sitka Spruce 26.91 lbs/cu.ft.
Are you looking for a lower temperature warmth? Then you need to pay attention to this type of wood.
If you have this type of wood available in your area, then you might enjoy it to help you stay warm through a milder winter.
17. Aspen 25.03 lbs/cu.ft.
This is a low heat wood. I try to burn wood similar to this in my area, living in the southern part of the United States.
So this means that I have a wood stove that I use during the winter, but I don’t need it to burn super hot all of the time. This wood would be a good fit for my situation.
18. Pine 23.29 lbs/cu.ft.
I love pine wood as a fire starter. I don’t burn it regularly in my wood stove because of the residue it often puts off.
But if you have an outdoor fireplace or fire pit, then you’ll love pine because it is easy to get a fire going with it, and it also puts off a great scent when burning.
19. Western Red Cedar 21.48 lbs/cu.ft.
Finally, western red cedar is our final firewood.